The 1,000,000+ SF facility is SunGard’s Philadelphia mega center that currently has approximately 550,000 SF of leased space. 4,100 tons of chilled water capacity provides conditioning to data center space with the ability to provide free cooling via Evapco dry coolers. Eight 2,000 kW and one 1,750 kW diesel generators with a total of 32,000 gallons of fuel provide a backup power source for the equipment. Pre-action sprinkler systems, VESDA, and underfloor gas extinguishing systems provide protection of the critical systems
MEP/FP Special Features
AEI provided MPFP assistance for SunGard’s Philadelphia 401 Data Center for over 15 years
This site’s biggest triumph was successfully consolidating 3 separate chiller plants into one system supporting five floors of Data Center with a single shutdown
AEI assisted with SunGard’s heat map program where older chillers and CRAC units underwent a planned replacement to maintain capacity and reliability